We believe that a kitchen knife is so much more than just a tool. This is why we create knives of the highest quality that convey a timeless and elegant expression. Simply decorative and functional products that inspire you in your cooking. All our knives are manufactured in France by knife makers using 250 years of craftsmanship tradition, and only the finest materials.

Our knives have been sold in 11 countries, on 4 continents, and we are extremely proud of what our customers have said about our products so far. Whether we turn to professional chefs at Michelin restaurants or you as a home cook, we are driven by our firm belief that a kitchen knife is always so much more than just a tool.

Oscar Heidenberg
CEO & founder
Made in france
See how our knives are made
Highest quality score
Trusted by Michelin
Starred Chefs
Novum Design Award
Winner 2020

Bon Centuri in media

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